Lead Generation
We conduct market research and generate leads to increase sales in the B2B sector of companies
Lead Reserch
US$ 1000
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  • We will make a list of companies that match your ICP
  • We will identify the key decision-makers based upon your service offer and key events
  • We will source real-time contact information
  • We will quality check and verify data according to your specific criteria
Outbound Marketing
US$ 1200
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  • We will make a full lead research
  • We will develop a campaign strategy, including Channel Identification, Cadence Mapping, Сreation of collateral materials, Domain Optimisation
  • We will make campaign development (Cadence Creation, Copywriting, Software set up)
  • We will set up a dedicated Campain Management Team, which aims at helping you manage and optimise the results and CRM Integration
  • We will take care of reporting and optimisation (Daily Campaign reporting assessing performance, Live dashboard, Email AB Testing)
Outbound Sales Development
US$ 1500
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  • We will make a campaign development, including: cadence creation, copywriting, software set up and SDR Product
  • We will set up a SDR Campaign Management
  • We will take the responsibility for reporting and optimization, including: ongoing strategy review, A/B testing, daily campaign reporting
Prices don't include out of pocket expenses and depend on the request.
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You asked, we are answering
Why do businesses need lead generation?
The main purpose of lead generation is to turn website visitors into potential customers and collect their contacts: phone number, email and so on. The benefits of lead generation are obvious: without leads, you cannot work with potential customers who are not ready to make an order right away.
What are the advantages of lead generation?
The advantages of lead generation are obvious: without leads, you will not be able to work with potential customers who are not ready to make an order right away. Such a user may leave your site, forget about you and never come back.
What types of leads exist?
Cold - they are aimed at showing interest, but the fact of an instant purchase is not provided; Warm - the buyer is interested, entering into contact with the seller; Hot - the buyer is ready to buy.
What do I get from lead generation?
More applications for your products/services; Increased number of referrals to you; Opportunity to expand your business.
How much do leads cost?
We'll be able to come up with precise prices only after a thorough research and analysis of your business.